Contents: A
review of the structure and functions of biomolecules, biochemistry of raw
and processed food (milk, meat and poultry, sea foods and fruit and
vegetables), the roles of enzymes on food quality and processing (polyphenol
oxidases, pectinases, proteases, lipases, lipoxygenase, lysozyme,
lactoperoxidase ect.), biochemical aspects of biotechnology and genetic
Objectives: Establishes
thorough, detailed information on: the main biochemical changes occurred
in raw and processed food; the biochemical aspects of biotechnology and
genetic engineering.
Methods: 1.5-hour
written midterm examination: 30%; 1.5-hour written final examination: 60%;
one 5-10 pages homework assignment during semester: 10%. Exams are held
during the regular midterm- and final-examination period of the academic